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September 5, 2024

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September 5, 2024

~Social Service Program ~

September 5, 2024

Seva is in the core of SaiLeela Foundation. We are always at service for people in need. This was another such program.

~Public Help Program ~

September 5, 2024

In the name of Sai Maharaj, we conducted a social help program in kolkata.

~Miracles of Sai Baba of Shirdi ~

September 4, 2024

Sai Baba of Shirdi was a saint from the past century, but his blessings are still benefitting a huge number of disciples and worshippers worldwide. Here are some of his marvelous magical divine gestures that still draws awe of the modern day worshippers.

One of the greatest and widely learned miracles of Sai Baba was lighting a lamp with water. He did not let the evening die out of dark and simply poured water in the lamps to light them up. It was a miracle that proved his divine power and control over the natural elements.

Shirdi Sai Baba believed that love can conquer everything. So, in his preaching, he emphasized on love for people.

The story related to lamping with water instead of oil signifies the social treatment of commoners even in the beginning of 20th century India, and Sai baba’s approach towards them. Sai Baba lit lamps mostly with water, mixed with very little oil. The lamps stayed lit throughout the night. This was enough for the local vendors to change their minds.

On another occasion, he grinded wheat and spread them all over Shirdi, which reportedly prevented the wake of cholera. This was significant news in that time, because in 1910, several cities and towns were almost wiped out by cholera epidemic. Today, even scientists might not figure out the connection between sprinkling flour and the prevention of cholera in Shirdi, but the truth is that the poor souls in the village survived that year without a scar.

The rising of the water-level of the well is another and one of the most significant divine events performed by Sai Baba. The Ram Navami fair was about to get pondered due to the lack of supply of water. The villagers requested Sai Baba for help, Baba offered them a plate filled of flowers with Prasad, and asked to drop them inside the well. As they did it, the dried well started to be filled with water.

At the same time, Baba miraculously helped a drowning child. He also helped Das Gonu, a devotee who primarily had no belief on Baba’s magical powers. He came to Baba to ask for a day to take a holy bath in Godavari. Baba insisted him to touch his feet with his palms. Even with disbelief, Das Gonu did it, and found that water was flowing from Baba’s feet. Das Gonu then rinsed himself with that holy water.

There are many other miracles of Sai Baba which still awes modern devotees. One of the bigger statues is seen right in the front of the Sai Prasadalaya in Shirdi. It shows Sai Baba cooking with his bare hands. The story appears like this, Sai Baba stirred hot concoction with his bare hands in a gathering where many of his disciples were present. They could not believe their eyes, and was naturally worried about the safety of Sai Baba. But Baba was absolutely unharmed, and his heavenly cooking was deliciously devoured by all the devotees.

Throughout his life, Sai Baba amazed his devotees many times. The most amazing miracle he did was bonding a religiously diverse society under the peaceful shade of Dwarkamayi, for which people of all classes still bow down to the Saint of Shirdi.

~Religious Approach of Sai Baba ~

September 4, 2024

Not just in his time, but even in the 21st century, people feel skeptic about the religious affliction of the Saint of Shirdi Sai Baba. Here is a justified answer to all those questions.

Was there a singular religious belief that Sai Baba practiced? Baba lived in a Masjid, and always had a Dhuni— the sacred fire. He grinded on the handmill, blew conch shells and bells— according to the Hindu norms. He was always worshipped with arghya during his lifetime and in the present establishments for worshipping. So, Sai Baba could be called as a saint who stood taller beyond the religious boundaries.

Sai Baba believed in the simpler truths like – Shraddha aur Saburi. He believed and preached for resilience, loving the neighbor, and helping people in all conditions. His teachings included the prime statements of all religious beliefs. He was not a cleric of a certain or singular religious movement, even though he came at a time when religious movements across India took shapes into political movements. Sai Baba was the cleric of people, and lived in the midst of people.

Sai Baba named the abandoned mosque as Dwarakamayi, and spent his entire life there. He supported every belief, but always suggested people to show respect to other faiths as well. This was a unique approach that many did not think of or preached. But Sai Baba was a saint who understood that helping people to form and stay within a society may require every faiths and beliefs to come together, under one roof. He, himself opened the gate of Dwarakamayi for that purpose.

Devotees explained Baba as a faqir, who lived a simple and minimalist life. Throughout he begged for a few drops of oil to lighten up the lamps. But when shopkeepers frowned, he showed his miraculous capacities, and lightened the lamps with water instead of oil. He performed tasks as a local Hakim for treating the poor people. His miracles and preaching for unification of humankind beyond the divisive religious beliefs turned him a legend that is still worshipped in the 21st century.

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September 4, 2024

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